Sundays With Tabs the Cat, Makeup and Beauty Blog Mascot, Vol. 276 - Makeup and Beauty Blog

Tabs the Cat in 2013, a Feline Retrospective

Dear Diary,

Yeah, this was a practiced year.

When I think nigh where I started — I was a stray flashing my stomach for gravy on the hateful streets of Factory Valley — I can't believe how far I've come.

I feel then lucky. A lot of cats don't have information technology this good. I accept a roof over my head, a mediocre pet banana, a closet stocked with gravy, and millions of doting fans.

What more could a tabby ask for?

Professionally, I even accomplished almost of my goals. I added more stamps to my passport, expanded my global empire and worked on hundreds of fantastic kitty modeling campaigns.

Hither are some of the more than memorable ones that come to listen…

Who is Tabs the Cat? Most 6 years agone I befriended a stray, flea-bitten tabby cat with a bad case of worms. I could see he'd fallen on hard times, but his profound knowledge of loftier manner and department store cosmetics led me to believe that he was more than meets the heart. We became fast friends, and at present he's actually my boss (and a successful kitty model). 🙂

New York

I vividly remember this campaign for NARS. It was RyGos and I working together in New York City. We partied hard. We also did a lot of walking that trip, first all over downtown, then to chase ducks in Central Park.

I had a boom and really enjoyed working with RyGos. His tummy is almost as boggling every bit mine.


I spent a lot of time in Paris this yr. I'one thousand withal bummed about not winning the Oscar for my work on Les Chat Misérables, just c'est la vie.

I also had a Chanel job in the springtime with Snowflake, which was très magnifique! Hunting mice along the Seine after sunset, mewling for cheese — it was and then romantic.

If I weren't at the top of my kitty modeling career right at present, I could run across myself settling downwards with Snowflake. She'south merely and then…exciting, and male child tin can she model!

But I don't take whatever room in my life for a relationship right at present. Information technology wouldn't exist fair to Snowflake…

New Zealand

Uh…New Zealand with Peter Jackson?


That was another amazing trip. I gotta hand it to my banana for arranging fourth dimension with Peter Jackson between the two Hobbit movies. You know you're in good hands when he'southward behind the photographic camera.

What a gorgeous country, too. I hear it's how California probably looked a few hundred years ago — thick forests, tall, snow-capped mountains…and lots of sheep!



Non my favorite trip this year, simply that's what I get for working with a newbie photographer. Y'all'd recollect I'd know better by at present.

The guy had absolutely no idea what he was doing, just at least I got to work with Steve again. Best Bengal tiger in the kitty modeling business, paws downwardly.

Southward Carolina

Hilton Head, S Carolina… You know, I surprised myself concluding summer on that task for CoverCat. I'd never waterskied earlier, just I think I did alright.

I've ever had pretty good residuum, even though my assistant laughs at me every time I slip on the kitchen tiles… I actually should talk to her about that. Information technology's rude.


Miami for BECCA was fun, of course, but that's by and large because I got some much-needed embankment time.

Venice Beach, California

Speaking of beaches, Venice Beach was libation than I thought. I expected a lot more dogs…

I met so many musically talented cats down there. It reminded me of my days battling strays on street corners in Manufacturing plant Valley for treats. I always had a good-sounding meow…


And then in that location was Tuscany. Actually, how can yous go wrong?

What was that Ragdoll kitty'southward name again…? Patches, Peaches? She was the kitty model I worked with… I can't remember her proper noun, but she did a skillful job. I mean, she was nervous, but who wouldn't be working with a powerhouse kitty modeling superstar like me?

Las Vegas


You know what they say — what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. 'Nuff said.

And meow

Seriously, this was besides a milestone year for me. Not just did I turn in some of my all-time best kitty modeling piece of work, simply I as well penned my very get-go curt story, a 5,000-give-and-take tail loosely based on bodily events.

I'm reproducing it hither in its entirety. Hope yous bask it, and I'll see you soon in 2014. 🙂

Much dear, always,



by Tabs the Cat

A Relaxing Time, by Tabs the Cat

Tabs could non believe how loud the generator was. The sound reverberated off the walls of his tiny shelter, and probably also off the frigid floor, which except for the one hole cutting in the middle of the room, was a 12-inch-thick slab of solid ice.

When his friend, Felix, told Tabs well-nigh this place, told him well-nigh how ice fishing up here in the Northern Territories was the nearly relaxing thing he'd ever done, Felix neglected to mention the generator.


Tabs shivered, despite his heavy wool coat, thick fur and thermal kitty underwear, and watched his jiff puff in the frosty air.

The one electric bulb hanging from the ceiling briefly dimmed as the generator momentarily sputtered.

Wouldn't that exist perfect, Tabs thought, if the generator conked out and stranded him out here on a frozen lake?

The generator resumed its steady, rhythmic roar, which sounded to Tabs similar the loudest lawn mower he'd ever heard.

He wondered what he would practice if it stalled. The darkness wouldn't be a trouble for him considering he was able to see in the nighttime, but the cold… How common cold would it go in the footling shack without the heater? Probably very common cold…

He had no transportation, either, thanks to Felix, who talked Tabs into hiring a local bush airplane pilot to brand the trip hither. Until the pilot returned on the day after Christmas, Tabs was on his ain.

With a jolt, he suddenly remembered having his iPhone and pulled it from a pocket within his coat, thinking that if something happened to the generator, he could phone call his banana for help.

He slid his manus across the phone'due south screen, and the device sprung to life, displaying more than than a dozen illuminated app icons. Instinctively, his eyes went to the upper lefthand corner.

"Meow!" he cursed. No bars. He wouldn't be able to make a call.

He held up the phone and waved it around in the air, looking for a signal. Zippo until, wait! — he saw one bar for a second. Possibly he could get a stronger signal over there, he thought, looking at the ane tiny window in the room.

He hopped down from the chair, a sturdy, onetime thing made of heavy forest, set the iPhone downwardly on the water ice, and wrapped the end of his fishing line around a leg of the chair five times.

That should concur it, he thought, and so the generator stopped.

When he turned to face information technology, the lesser of his coat brushed the iPhone, which slid directly into the hole in the water ice.

Plop, was the sound it made when information technology splashed into the h2o.

Uh, oh, Tabs thought, equally the at present placidity room went nighttime…


Tabs sat motionless in the shed, letting his eyes adjust to the darkness as the ringing in his ears from the one time noisy generator subsided.

Soon, thanks to the sparse moonlight coming in through the ane tiny window in the room, he could conspicuously brand out shapes — the chair, his Louis Vuitton luggage and Chanel overnight pocketbook, the generator, electric heater, the hole in the water ice and the small wooden workman's desk — and then details, like the lovely Chanel double C logo, the elegant Louis Vuitton pattern and a familiar-looking tool on top of the desk…

Tin opener, he thought. That's what his banana called them. He never figured out how to make it piece of work, just he knew that it could produce gravy. His assistant did it all the time.

Knowing it was here, he felt a tinge of relief. Maybe he could figure out how to use it if he had to. If his assistant could use information technology, information technology couldn't be that hard.

Carefully, he walked over to the edge of the hole in the ice and peered downwards. Water gently lapped against the sides, but its depths were bulletproof, even to his efficient kitty eyes.

"Meow!" he called. Siri! Then he made his manner around to the other side of the hole and tried once again, louder this time. "Meow!!" Siri!!

No answer… Was she ignoring him, or somehow unable to reply?

"Mrf!" he huffed. Probably the former. These days, it'southward merely so difficult to notice good aid.

It occurred to Tabs that he wouldn't be in this situation had his assistant back at the part done her job. She was in charge of travel arrangements, later on all, and then this was entirely her error.

"Mmrrrwww…" he grumbled. He was going to requite her an earful when he got —

Tabs whipped effectually and focussed his senses intensely on the door. He heard something exterior, something shuffling on the ice. His ears rotated on his head like tiny radar dishes trying to triangulate the source of the sound.

There! He heard it again. Something skilled in the fine art of espionage. Information technology was close. Right behind the door, and it was big. Tabs could tell. Much bigger than a true cat.

Then, the smell. Instinctively, Tabs arched his back to announced larger, triggered his claws and hissed loudly at the door.

Domestic dog!

A RELAXING Fourth dimension: Affiliate 3

Tabs hissed and growled at the affair on the other side of the door, throwing decorum out the window. Certain, information technology was rude and not very neighborly of him, merely he and dogs had never gotten along very well. He thought they were always so…pushy, and clumsy.

That was the matter about dogs, he thought. They had no respect for personal space.

Tabs could hear it sniffing loudly outside, conducting reconnaisance. Tabs knew about their bully sense of smell, and knew that this one probably already knew that Tabs was alone in the shed, terrified, a lilliputian on the plump side and wearing Coco Mademoiselle.

"Meeeeooowww," he groaned, using his office voice. Who the hell is that? "Mrow!" Go abroad, or I'thou calling the law!

No respond, and the sniffing sound stopped. Seconds passed, and Tabs wondered if his threat had worked to scare away the dog.

He got to thinking that he should look for an escape route in case the dog had a key to the door. It seemed unlikely, simply Tabs wasn't certain. The dog was probably a local, after all, and probably knew this area. Maybe it had even watched Tabs get in.

The thought terrified Tabs, and his tiny heart started pounding. Aimlessly, he looked effectually the room again, his fearful eyes barely taking the time to focus.

There was the lonely window, which was close, and quite small, and at to the lowest degree five feet off the frozen floor. The walls were vertical wooden slats, the ceiling corrugated sail metal, and the ground was a solid slab of ice, except for the small-scale fishing hole cutting in the center.

He looked at the hole for a moment, listening to the lake water jostling within it, and so to the now silent generator and rapidly cooling electric heater, his two bags beside the heavy wooden chair past the hole in the water ice, a tall stack of wooden crates that he presumed were empty, and then at the workbench pushed up against one of the walls.

Nothing. No ways in or out, except for the door.

He trained his night vision on the door over again and focussed his ears like parabolic radar dishes, scanning for the slightest audio…

And then the earth exploded. There was a terrible crash confronting the door, coupled with incessant, thunderous barking. The noise caused Tabs to jump three feet in the air, and he landed awkwardly.

The crashing continued, over and over, and the door shuddered. The whole shack shook violently, and the metal roof clanged and buckled. Tabs cowered on the ice, shrinking against the floor, as his wild, wide eyes darted to and fro.

Tabs had never heard barking like that before. Information technology was liquid, visceral fury. No, this wasn't a canis familiaris, Tabs realized. This was a monster.

When the fauna struck the door again, the door swung open.

Everything went completely silent as time stopped. What Tabs saw standing before him in the doorway was — at that moment he recognized it and remembered seeing one when he worked as an extra on HBO'southward Truthful Blood. The monster was a werewolf, and right and so it leapt.

Instinctively, Tabs rolled to his left, sliding on the ice as the creature's jaws snapped inches from his head. Momentum carried the large beast forward, and it careened into the wooden crates, unable to stop on the water ice.

The crates tumbled downwards, shattering, and appeared to bury the fauna below them, but Tabs didn't hesitate. As shortly as he regained his footing, he raced toward the open door, snapping upwardly his Chanel overnight bag on the fashion, and sped out onto the night, frozen lake.

A RELAXING TIME: Affiliate 4

One time through the door of the ice shack, Tabs was struck by the vastness of the night sky and the frozen lake. He was running on the water ice, his little legs churning like propeller blades, his claws scraping for buy.

Fear collection him faster, forwards, deeper into the night. In that location were dots of light far ahead on the other side of the lake, but they seemed miles abroad. Nil to his right but the area of the frozen lake, and to his left, the shadowy outline of an outcropping of land — another shore, or an island peradventure, much closer than the far shore but with no signs of life. Only a line of tall trees behind a rocky beach.

Where was the creature now? Tabs wondered. Had it pulled itself out from under the crates in the shack? Was it in pursuit of him now, chasing him down on the lake with its longer canine legs? Tabs couldn't bring himself to wait.

His lungs started to burn, and he realized that his footstep was slowing. The lights on the far shore of the lake beckoned him. Tabs knew there was shelter at that place, people, but there was no manner he would exist able to run all the way beyond the lake. It was too far.

He scanned the closer shore to his left again for whatsoever signs of help or danger. Merely then, the werewolf howled behind him.

It was close! Tabs shuddered, and his muscles briefly convulsed. He lost his footing and spun sideways and cease over stop on the water ice. He slid 20 feet on his side before coming to a end.

Stunned…Tabs lay there panting, hearing nothing merely his own animate, a ringing in his ears and the pounding of his tiny tabby heart.

He was still alive… That much he could tell, just he had lost his bearings in the fall.

Then, a second howl ripped him awake, immediately restoring his focus. Gingerly, Tabs climbed to his feet on unsteady legs.

The 2nd howl came from his left, along the near shore but down a ways behind him.

A 2nd werewolf? As if in respond, the first one howled again, this time closer.

"Mrow," Tabs mewled, overcome with despair. Is this information technology? Is this how my story ends?

"Mrraw!" came a grizzled shout from the near shore. Over hither!

Where? Tabs searched for the possessor of the raspy voice.

"Mrraaw!" the voice called again. Get upwardly, kid! They're comin'!

And so Tabs saw a pair of broad feline eyes glowing green on the border of the dark shore. They belonged to a large gray true cat waving a huge hand in his direction.

"Mrow!" the gray cat yelled. You can make it!

I tin can make information technology, Tabs repeated to himself, drawing strength from the words. I can make it. He took one step toward the grey cat, and and then another. And and then he sprung and sprinted toward the shore as fast every bit he could.


Tabs ran full bore toward the frozen edge of the rocky shore, pumping his tiny tabby legs on the ice similar his life depended on it, half skating and out of command, simply at least he was skating in the right direction, he thought.

"Meow!" Atta boy! the greyness cat growled. It's voice sounded like sandpaper on the air current. "Mrroww!" Sentry out fer dem rocks! The true cat gestured frantically at an area to the left of Tabs from where sharp rocks jutted out of the water ice similar spears. "Mrrreww." They'll tear ya apart quicker den dem wolves.

Tabs slowed to an unsteady trot to navigate around the rocks, slipping and sliding every few steps, just he managed to do it. As Tabs covered the concluding few feet to where the frozen lake met the rocky shore, he was finally able to get a good look at the gray true cat. It was bigger and scragglier than whatever business firm cat Tabs had ever seen. It looked like a big canis familiaris with disordered, potent fur, simply information technology had the face up of a cat and friendly feline eyes.

Panting and wobbly, but completely aware of how close the werewolves must be, Tabs dashed up to the greyness cat, non wanting to terminate. "Mrow!" he managed to say, gasping for air. Thanks!

"Meew!" the grey cat replied. Don't mention information technology. Both of them were running together now, side past side forth the rocky beach, Tabs post-obit the greyness cat's lead. They were moving steadily up the embankment toward what looked like a dirt road at the tree line.

"Mrraow," the gray cat said. No fourth dimension for pleasantries, I'yard afraid. "Meow, mrow rrow." That road upward there leads to a ranger's station 'tour a quarter mile in. "Mrow." Couple o' cabins, some tall trees, plenty of places to hide.

"Meow?" You alright? the gray cat asked, looking Tabs upwards and down. "Mrrow." Watched you take a nasty tumble back there on the ice. How'due south yer noggin'?

Tabs was shocked for a moment by the gray cat'due south concern merely felt it was genuine. Years of globetrotting and kitty modeling had turned Tabs into a pretty good approximate of character, and he felt that he could trust this cat.

"Meow," Tabs replied. Information technology's fine. My assistant says I'g hard headed. The gray cat nodded once, signifying that he understood.

While they were still running, it was much easier to run on solid ground than the ice, and Tabs was starting to grab his jiff. In the moonlight, Tabs saw that scars covered the gray cat'southward grizzled features, and fries were missing from both of his ears. Tabs couldn't tell how old the true cat was, but he was clearly Tabs' senior.

Tabs heard something from back toward the frozen shore, like falling rocks.

"Meew!" the gray cat hissed, looking over his shoulder simply non slowing a footstep. Smash it! "Mraw!" Meliorate choice up the pace!

A RELAXING TIME: Affiliate 6

They were at the mouth of the forest where a clay route led deeper into the night woods. The gray cat was fast and picked up the pace, pulling ahead of Tabs.

Tabs felt a twinge of panic as he tried to catch up alongside the grey cat simply found that he couldn't. Tabs was a few feet behind and running flat out like a startled rabbit.

Tall pines lined both sides of the road, blocking much of the moonlight from reaching the forest flooring. It was dark and getting darker as they left the rocky beach further behind. Good thing Tabs had the night vision of a master mouser.

Barking. Coming from far behind them. Tabs wasn't sure at first, just so he was. Like Rottweiler barking, low and full-throated, mixed with growls.

The wolves were talking, merely Tabs couldn't brand out the words. Probably trading recipes for ways to set cat…whether roasted or grilled.

It pushed Tabs to run a little harder, which brought him upwards alongside the gray cat, who glanced over, then gestured up alee with his snout.

"Meow!" We're hither!

The road turned to a round dirt driveway. Up ahead, at the cease of the loop, was a large wooden one-story building, almost the size of a Sephora. A green truck was parked in forepart of what Tabs figured must be the main entrance.

"Mraw," the grayness cat said. It'southward an old ranger's station. They slowed to a trot, both of them panting, downward low in stealth formation, and the gray cat guided them around the truck toward the left side of the building.

A boxy ground-level air conditioning unit of measurement, virtually 3 anxiety alpine, sat flush confronting the wall. "Mrow?" the grey cat asked. Come across that plank up there?

Tabs did. Information technology was a narrow wooden plank that rested at an angle from the tiptop of the air conditioner upward to a windowsill. The greyness true cat motioned toward it with his nose, directing Tabs to caput that way. "Meow-ow." You tin can go to the roof.

"Mrow?" Tabs asked, a trivial perplexed. Aren't you coming?

"Mroh," the grey cat answered, continuing his ground. I'll be right behind yous.

Tabs idea about it for a 2nd, wondering why the grayness cat didn't simply lead the way.

"Meow!" the grayness cat finally ordered, raising his gravely phonation. Keep, get!

It jolted Tabs into action. At that place were some things his piffling kitty brain struggled with, like doors and can openers, but climbing was not 1 of them. In about half a 2d, or two beats of a terrified tabby'south heart, he candy the entire scene with mathematical precision, calculating the proper angle of arroyo to the plank, the appropriate speed-to-weight ratio and the amount of force he'd have to exert to leap from the windowsill upwards to the pelting gutter, which led up to the roof.

In one fluid maneuver, he hopped upwards on the air conditioner, zipped upwardly the plank to the windowsill, jumped to a crook where the rain gutter met the wall, and then carefully walked up along the gutter earlier pulling himself onto the roof.

Yes! He'd made it. It was a wooden roof, easy to walk on, with a shallow slant, and it was much brighter up here under the open heaven than information technology was downwards in the forest.

Tabs peered over the edge at the gray true cat, who looked relieved. Tabs was shocked that the gray cat was still standing on the ground. What was he waiting for? "Meow!" Tabs chosen down. Bustle!

The wolves would exist upon them any moment at present, and Tabs thought he even heard their footfalls on the dirt route.

The gray cat nodded once, leapt up on the air conditioner, and pushed the wooden plank off the unit with his paw. It tumbled and crashed to the ground.

"Mrrow!?" Tabs said. What are you doing!? Tabs couldn't believe his eyes.

The gray cat looked up at Tabs with kindness in his eyes "Mrow," he spoke softly. I recognized y'all back at that place on the lake. "Meow." Tabs, you're ane of my heroes.

Tabs was speechless. Heroes? What did the greyness cat mean?

The gray hopped down to the ground, and and so looked back up to Tabs. "Meow-row," he said, his eyes glistening in the moonlight. You'll be safe hither till morn. I'll lead them away.

"Mroww," Tabs mewled, as the gray cat turned back toward the woods. Expect.

But the greyness took off like a falcon in the dark, disappearing into a copse of thick trees. "Mew…" Tabs whimpered after him. No…

A RELAXING Time: Affiliate 7

The get-go of the werewolves came into view, a long-legged blackness one the color of the crows Tabs policed from his favorite window at home in Novato.

Slowly, Tabs crouched down depression at the edge of the roof until his chin was resting on the rain gutter.

The werewolf was stalking, sniffing, its head close to the ground like a metal detector. Information technology was in the driveway now exactly where Tabs and the grayness cat had gone through. Tabs expected the wolf to pick upwards their scent.

Information technology was a vivid night with the full moon, and information technology occurred to Tabs that he was probably easy to spot where he was with the moonlight behind him, only he stayed frozen like an Egyptian statue, not daring to movement a musculus.

The merely matter he did do was slowly shut his eyes until they were just barely open and breath steadily. Cats were practiced at things similar this. Hiding in plain sight. But Tabs imagined that werewolves were also skillful at hunting.

The second one entered the driveway. This one Tabs recognized from the wooden shed back on the frozen lake, and it was huge! Bigger than the blackness one past half, with mottled brown and gray fur and thick, wide shoulders.

The black werewolf seemed to bow reverently and made a whining noise as the larger one approached.

Tabs couldn't believe just how big the bigger werewolf was. Keeping perfectly still with his eyes open barely a fraction of an inch, Tabs compared the creature to the nearby pickup truck, and wagered they were almost the same size.

Or maybe that was simply the terror talking…

Tabs remained motionless while the two werewolves inspected the area, following their snouts. As they exhaled, their hot jiff was visible in the frigid air.

They circled the pickup truck in contrary directions, checking carefully behind the tires.

Whew! Tabs thought. Practiced matter I didn't hide there.

The werewolves must have picked up the scent considering they remained serenity and moved stealthily, and they were focussing a lot of attending in this area.

Minutes passed. Information technology was so cold up there on the roof that Tabs started shivering. He desperately wanted to hop up and first moving to warm his bones, but there was no fashion he was nearly to do that.

He would only accept to deal with the cold. It wouldn't be the showtime time…

He idea back to all of those long, cold nights he spent fending for himself and battling for scraps on the hateful streets of Mill Valley in his kitten hood. Those were some cold nights, likewise.

Feezing, and feeling somewhat secure that the wolves would not find him, and fifty-fifty if they did, would non exist able to attain him on the roof, Tabs immune his listen to wander.

He thought about his makeup drove, his coveted online kitty modeling portfolio, gravy, his favorite colina at home and his assistant…

She was actually pretty nice, he concluded, even when she got on his last nerve.

Somewhere off in the wood, a branch cracked. It wasn't a natural sound. Tabs heard information technology, and the werewolves heard it, too. Both of them appeared in the driveway from wherever they'd been searching and looked in that direction, continuing tall on all fours, with their heads erect and their ears perked.

"Mrrrrrrowww!" came a afar voice. Aid me! Please help!

Tabs felt his heart drop. Information technology was the gray true cat.

A RELAXING Fourth dimension: CHAPTER 8

The werewolves took off at a full sprint in that management, barking, growling and leaping over downed branches. Wracked with worry for the grayness true cat just feeling powerless to help him, Tabs watched the wolves go until they were also far into the forest to see them.

"Mrrrrrrowww!" the gray cat had said. Assistance me! Delight help!

Tabs had to practice something.

He stood up for the first time in what seemed similar hours but was really simply a few minutes. Compressed as he'd been while the werewolves were searching, he was retaining some of his body rut, but the total force of the chilly wind dug deep into the downy fur of his soft underbelly now that he was standing.

The plank Tabs had used to climb upwards to the windowsill, and from there up to the roof, was virtually directly below him on the basis, which was covered by pine needles. Lot of good that'll exercise me now, Tabs idea.

The roof was long and wide and, except for a chimney and a few ac units, completely empty. Tabs wondered if at that place might be some other manner down, maybe a fence he could hop down to or a stack of boxes or something somewhere on the other side.

He scampered forth the edge of the roof, looking for anything he could use to climb down.

Deep in the forest, something roared. It was deep and strong and powerful. It sounded huge!

What the heck was that!?

And then, the werewolves were howling. Tabs looked but couldn't see anything. The wolves were howling and barking and yipping. And there was something else, too. Yelping. Something was yelping in what sounded like pain.

The gray cat?

The trigger-happy battle raged like thunder for three seconds, and so information technology stopped.

After that, zilch.

A minute passed. The adjacent audio Tabs heard was his own exhaling. He'd been holding his jiff.

He shook violently now, from both terror and temperature, and breathed in fits and starts.

Tabs thought he heard something at that moment, a brief groan from somewhere off in the wood, but he listened hard for it and didn't hear it once again.

He did hear something else, though, a distant whump-whump-whumping that seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere at the same time, and it was getting progressively louder.

"Mrow!" Tabs exclaimed. Helicopter!

A RELAXING Fourth dimension: CHAPTER nine

When the chopper passed the tree line and entered the expanse directly over the rangers' station, it was like all of a sudden turning on a lightning storm in a hurricane. Before he could avert his eyes, Tabs was blinded past the helicopter's spotlight and blasted off the roof by the downdraft.

He was toppling cease over end in the air, with the world turned completely white through his wide, temporarily useless eyes. Tabs tried to correct himself similar only cats tin simply couldn't see the ground to gauge his distance.

The bear on knocked him unconscious.

When he awoke, Tabs was looking up at the stars. He was lying on his side on a bed of pine needles — the forest floor. He raised his head a few inches and looked around. "Mew," he groaned. Estimate I'one thousand live.

The forest was completely silent save a afar whump-whump-whumping sound…

"Mraw!" he cried. No! The helicopter! How long had he been out?

Trying to go upward on all fours, he put weight on his right mitt and felt a abrupt pain. Dang!

The chopper didn't sound like it was leaving however. Tabs thought it sounded like it was searching the beach.

Were they looking for him? He thought they must be. His assistant would have dispatched assistance as presently equally Tabs missed his kickoff check-in time. He wondered how long ago that had been…

Despair, and pangs of guilt and shame, filled him equally he thought nigh the grayness cat and how it sacrificed itself to salve Tabs. One cat, fifty-fifty a grizzled, tough onetime codger like that one, confronting two huge werewolves? It must have known information technology wouldn't accept a chance, and withal it didn't hesitate…

Tabs scanned the area i last time, and then, sighing sadly, started hobbling off toward the beach and the sound of the helicopter.

Avoiding the dirt road, stayed within the forest the unabridged fourth dimension. It was slow going with his bad paw, navigating over branches and logs, just Tabs figured he was making pretty good fourth dimension. He was terrified that the helicopter would surrender the search, and that pushed him to limp faster.

Nigh there now, the trees swayed. Tabs could see light shifting through the pines from the chopper's spotlight and feel the draft. He hurried faster and wondered if the werewolves were here, somewhere, also searching for Tabs.

Tabs was just taking his commencement few steps on the rocky sand when the helicopter started to pull abroad…

"Meow!" he shouted after it. Wait! "MRRROW!!" I'One thousand RIGHT Hither!!

He ran to the edge of the frozen lake, but it was no apply. They were giving upwardly the search here and heading toward the water ice fishing shack where this whole take chances began.

"Mew." Expect.

And so, the helicopter stopped.

Information technology paused in the air over the ice near the edge of the frozen beach, training its powerful spotlight down on something.

Tabs limped as fast as he could, ignoring his cramping muscles. Was this his second chance?

But wait! — there was something moving on the ice in the center of the spotlight.

Oh, no! Had they constitute him?

There, in the center of the spotlight, waving both paws over its caput, was the grayness cat.

As Tabs approached, grin from ear to ear, the helicopter landed a rubber distance away. Out popped 2 familiar faces, the first belonging to Karl Lagerfeld, and the second to Choupette (his cat).

Figures, Tabs thought…

Tabs limped over to the greyness true cat. "Mrow…?" he asked, amazed to run across his new friend withal kicking. How…?

The grayness cat merely grinned. "Mrrrow?" Oh, that fight? "Mrow-wow-wow." See, I introduced those two wolves to an old friend of mine.

"Mrrrow." He's a grizzly…so I don't think those wolf boys volition be bothering us anymore this evening. 🙂

— THE End —


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